GWGT x Sonic Influence Friday 28th of June 2024 KL. 17.00 - 03.00 Kollektivet Livet, Stockholm GWGT Rooftop + Club 🌞

A vinyl and live focused electronic dance music party. with support from Kollektivet Livet Bar and Stadsgårdsterminnalen cultural center. 1 ticket, 2 parties/stages.

LINEUP TERRACE: ~ Camillka x Elvira. ~ Björn Karl Liam Olle (Urgent Audio) ~ Reina Bandida

LINEUP KLUBBEN: ~ Loke Malmsten x David Sternå ~ Pi Live Set (Uruguay) ~ TC80 (France)

Presale tickets 100 SEK @ Tickster 150 SEK at the door. Free 17-19

All dancefloors powered by Dot Audio, exceptional Swedish built sound. Follow @sonic.influence and @girlzwithgoodtaste on Instagram for more music culture and opportunities to connect ❤

Subscribe to a (private) Telegram channel to stay connected:

Sonic Influence is a record label and artist agency, focusing on live electronic music artists and producers. We believe sound is the biggest influencer. GWGT is a local female-led underground dance community driven by a desire for inclusion, equity, acceptance and diversity. “Girlzwithgoodtaste” is on a mission to inspire more persons, especially women and underrepresented individuals, to take interest in electronic dance music and the art of listening, movement, and music production. By attending, you agree to contribute to our common goal of cocreating safe and free spaces for ALL.

Before your visit at Kollektivet Livet Bar & Scen

We only allow smaller bags, the maximum size of an A4 paper (29.7 cm x 21 cm). All bags are searched and no bags are allowed to hang in the wardrobe, regardless of size. See for more information.

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